TS800-RI braided sleeve

Sheath for the Railway Sector with EN45545 Compliance

The TS800-RI expandable braided sheath, made of polyester monofilaments, is designed for railway and industrial applications that require a high level of protection of electrical wiring and resistance to friction. Thanks to its UL94-V0 certified self-extinguishing system and compliance with EN 45545-2 HL3 (R22-R23), it guarantees a high level of safety in the event of fire, limiting the spread of flames and the production of toxic fumes. The presence of a coloured identification thread integrated during braiding allows immediate recognition of its compliance with safety standards. Ideal for the orderly management of electrical cables in railway vehicles, marine environments and industrial sectors with strict safety requirements.

Approval: According to EN 45545

download the technical data sheet

Technical Features

  • Series: Expandable Braided
  • Material: Polyester Monofilaments
  • Colour: Grey – Black with identifying thread (Other colours upon request)
  • Nominal inner diameter: 4.0mm to 50.0mm
  • Operating temperature: -50°C ÷ +150°C
  • Maximum temperature for short duration: +160°C
  • Melting temperature: +230°C
  • Fire and smoke resistance: HL3 according to EN 45545-2:2013+A1:2015 (Requirements R22-R23)
  • Self-extinguishing: UL94-V0
  • Resistance to friction and oils: High
  • RoHS Directive: Compliant with 2002/95/EC

Recommended Applications

  • Protection of electrical wiring in trains, subways and trams
  • Railway electrical systems and control panels
  • Industrial sectors with high fire safety standards
  • Applications in environments with high exposure to friction and chemical agents
  • Public transport systems and railway infrastructures
  • Delivery Terms

    The expected times for order fulfillment are indicated in our Order Confirmation. In urgent cases, by contacting our sales office at the phone number 0373/920659, the shipment of goods can be managed within 24 hours from the date of our order confirmation. For all products not managed in stock, the shipment of goods will be carried out according to the agreements with our sales office.


    The delivery of goods is ex our warehouse. At the customer's request, our company offers a "Free Domicile with Invoice Charge" service using a shipper contracted with us. For more information regarding delivery, please consult our General Supply Conditions.


    RTE warrants, during the warranty period, to repair or replace free of charge those parts that, due to poor material quality or workmanship defects, prove to be defective, but only if they have been used in accordance with the provisions in the "Instruction, Use, and Maintenance Manuals", excluding any other damage and liability for direct or indirect damages resulting from improper use.

    For more information regarding delivery terms, delivery, and warranty, please consult our General Supply Conditions.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    What are the regulations and certifications that an insulating sheath must comply with in order to be used in the railway and/or rail transport sector?
    Insulating sheaths, whether they be heat-shrinkable, silicone, braided in polyamide, Wrap Around or fibreglass coated with silicone must comply with EN45545 in order to be used in the railway sector. It is necessary to define the classification level HL1 – HL2 – HL3, together with the risk level, R22 – R23 in order to identify the suitable sheath for each type of use.
    What are the differences between the various classification levels, HL1-HL2-HL3 and between the risk levels R22 – R23?
    The classification level HL1-HL2-HL3, together with the risk level R22 – R23 define in which area the chosen sheath can be used. Needless to say, a sheath with a maximum classification level, HL3, can be used for all uses where lower classifications such as HL1 – HL2 are required.
    HL1 à A sheath that can be used for surface trains that do not go through tunnels, for example a city tram;

    HL2 à A sheath that can be used for surface trains that go through tunnels, for example a normal freight/passenger train and all high-speed trains;

    HL3 à A sheath that can be used for trains that run mainly on underground railways, i.e. Subway/Metro;
    RISK CLASS R22 – R23
    All items that are not found within other lists, (such as, for example, doors, seats, cables, brakes, mattresses etc.) and that have an exposed surface less than or equal to 0.20 m2 belong to the 2 R22 – R23 risk classes. For the sake of convention, heat shrink sheaths are considered to be within these 2 groups.

    R23 à The sheath can be used outside the wagon

    R22 à The sheath can be used inside the wagon

    A sheath with a maximum risk class, R22, can be used for all uses where lower risk classes such as R23 are required.

    As a result, since the specifications requiring an R22 risk class are stricter than those requiring an R23 risk class, it follows that if the sheath has an HL3 classification level and an R22 risk class, the sheath in question can be used both outside and inside the wagon.
    What are the applications for which sheaths are used that comply with the EN45545 railway sector standard?
    Insulating sheaths, compliant with the EN45545 standard for the railway sector, are usually used inside:
    Ø WCML + SBB electrical panels
    Ø RAILWAY CARRIAGES body interior
    What are the main features of sheaths that comply with EN45545?
    Ø Operating temperature: -50°C ÷ +150°C
    Ø Self-extinguishing: According to UL94-V0 standards
    Ø Fire behaviour and determination of fumes and gases; HL3 according to requirement R22-R23 of railway standard EN45545
    What are the delivery times for sheaths that comply with the EN45545 standard for the railway sector?
    Sheaths compliant with EN45545 are available for immediate delivery
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